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UK climate scepticism more common

"The British public has become more sceptical about climate change over the last five years, according to a survey."

Category: Climate Change


EU proposes climate risk billions

"The European Commission says the EU should provide $2-15bn each year to help poor countries protect themselves against impacts of climate change."

Category: Climate Change


France set to impose carbon tax

"French President Nicolas Sarkozy has announced plans for a new carbon tax aimed at combating global warming."

Category: Climate Change


UK's first 'island' micro grid goes live in Wales

"The UK's first "island" micro grid system is up and running at the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) in Wales." "Centralised electricity systems like the national grid waste around 65% of energy through heat loss in power...


Robots 'to revolutionise surgery'

"Within ten years some doctors and scientists are predicting that all surgery could be scarless. They say by using the natural orifices of the body and the body's own natural scar the belly-button (or umbilicus), it will be...

Displaying results 996 to 1000 out of 2977